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Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

The car lane for parents driving their child to school is located on the north  side of the school in the John Humphrey lot. 

Parent Drop Off (AM)

The school day is from 8:00-2:30. 

  • Parents are able to drop off their students from 7:40a.m. - 8:00 a.m.

  • If you get to parent drop off area before 7:40 a.m. please pull over to the east fence along John Humphrey so OJH parents can still drop their students off. At 7:40, please move forward into our line.

Dismissal (PM)

Dismissal is at 2:30. Students will be lined up on the sidewalk behind the school looking for their cars.

  • With the number of cars expected, please make two lines along the John Humphrey east fence. The two lines will merge together as you pull into our parent pick up lane closer to High Point.

  • Please pull up in parent pick up as the line moves forward and students will get in their car.